Virtgroup class generates special kinds of group objects whose children can be a lot larger than the actual group. The group acts as a (small) window through which a rectangle area of its contents is visible. During layout, MUI tries to place the children of a virtual group in the visible part. If this is impossible, space is extended as long as all children fit. Virtual groups themselves don't offer any scrollbars to allow user interaction. These things are handled by scrollgroup class. Usually, you don't want to use a virtual group without a scrollgroup.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Virtgroup_Height V6 ..G LONG MUIA_Virtgroup_Input V11 I.. BOOL MUIA_Virtgroup_Left V6 ISG LONG MUIA_Virtgroup_Top V6 ISG LONG MUIA_Virtgroup_Width V6 ..G LONG
NAME MUIA_Virtgroup_Height -- (V6 ) [..G], LONG FUNCTION Read the virtual height of a virtual group. This attribute is quite senseless, better use a scrollgroup object to control the virtual group. SEE ALSO MUIA_Virtgroup_Width, MUIA_Virtgroup_Left, MUIA_Virtgroup_Top
NAME MUIA_Virtgroup_Input -- (V11) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION Specify if a virtual group should be moveable by clicking into it and dragging the mouse. Defaults to TRUE.
NAME MUIA_Virtgroup_Left -- (V6 ) [ISG], LONG FUNCTION Get/set the virtual left edge of a virtual group. The left edge will automatically be clipped to be between 0 and (VirtualWidth-DisplayWidth). This attribute is quite senseless, better use a scrollgroup object to control the virtual group. SEE ALSO MUIA_Virtgroup_Width, MUIA_Virtgroup_Height, MUIA_Virtgroup_Top
NAME MUIA_Virtgroup_Top -- (V6 ) [ISG], LONG FUNCTION Get/set the virtual top edge of a virtual group. The top edge will automatically be clipped to be between 0 and (VirtualTop-DisplayTop). This attribute is quite senseless, better use a scrollgroup object to control the virtual group. SEE ALSO MUIA_Virtgroup_Width, MUIA_Virtgroup_Height, MUIA_Virtgroup_Left
NAME MUIA_Virtgroup_Width -- (V6 ) [..G], LONG FUNCTION Read the virtual width of a virtual group. This attribute is quite senseless, better use a scrollgroup object to control the virtual group. SEE ALSO MUIA_Virtgroup_Height, MUIA_Virtgroup_Left, MUIA_Virtgroup_Top
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